Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Call Sheet

We are going to film our sink film on Friday morning, we already have quite a lot of footage for this so we don't think we will need any more time, as we will spend longer editing these scenes to make them darker etc. However if we need more time we will spend 3 hours on the following Thursday morning to get these scenes completed. We need to use a camera in the evening to make sure it is dark for the rest of the scenes so once the first scenes are complete we will use a couple of evenings a week to get this done.

Tom will be picking up and bringing back the camera.

The actors are Tim and Hannah, and they don't have to speak so they don't need to learn lines, however they need to get the appropriate clothing - dark and basic.

Potential filming locations,include secluded locations such as parks, and alleyways. We are contemplating using cherry hinton park, because of the quietness of the location. Another possibility is bar hill,because of the many alleyways that surround the area.

Film Crew: Dan and Tom will film the sequences with a hand held digi cam. Hannah and Tim will act out the scenes in this film.

Props that we will use include.. fake blood (red food dye), big black baggy hoody for Tim to wear, black baggy trackies with dark shoes. The victim will need basic clothes, that are able to get dirty.

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